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Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to debug the code in abap report ?

  1. Using Se38 to open the report , set break point as the screen below:

2. Press F8 to run report, it will show the Variant 1 screen on the right:
In this example is the internal table GT_MARA and work area GS_MARA.
You can view the value of the internal table and work area by double click the internal table GT_MARA and work area GS_mara

3. Here's the values in the internal table gt_mara when debugging.
There is 1 rows in this internal table and it has  two fields with values 1 and ABC:

4.For convenience to debug program,by clicking the icon repair on the top right screen(3) ,we could edit values in the internal table: change,insert,delete rows from internal table...

1 comment:

  1. Hi all
    pls, give me document or book write about BI in SAP?
